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Reference FCO 82/342
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Visit of Peter Shore, Secretary of State for Trade, to USA, 16-24 April (1974)
Description Peter Shore, Secretary of State for Trade visit to the US included meetings with BTA, staff of the Trade Development Office, American Cynamid Co Inc, Ingersoll Rand Inc, Bacc, Secretary Simon and Under Secretary Bennett of the US Treasury, Peter Flanigan Executive Director of CIEP, Under Secrtetary John Tabor of the US Department of Commerce, British Embassy on Trade, Assistant Secretaries Arthur Hartman and Thomas Enders of the US State Department. Deputy Secretary Kenneth Rush of the US State Department, Secretary Henry Kissinger of the US Department of State, Mr E D Kenna President of the National Association of Manufacturers, Ambassador William Eberle Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, Secretary Frederick Dent US Department of Commerce, Secretary Claude Brinegar US Department of Transportation. Meeting Canada included Hon D S Macdonald Minister for Energy, Mines and Resources, Hon John N Turner Minister of Finance, Hon Mitchell Sharp Secretary for External Affairs, Hon J Marchand Minister of Transport, Hon Claude F Bennett Minister of Industry and Tourism, Hon W Darcy McKeough Minister of Energy, Hon W G Davis QC Premier Government of Ontario, British Canadian Trade Association. Biography, personality and profile notes are included.
Date 1974
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries United Kingdom, United States, Canada
Places Africa; Asia; Bangladesh; Belgium; Britain; Canada; Cuba; Denmark; Eastern Europe; Egypt; Europe; France; Geneva; Germany; India; Iran; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Korea; Mediterranean; Mexico; Middle East; Nigeria; Northern Ireland; Norway; Pakistan; Poland; Romania; Saudi Arabia; Soviet Union; United Kingdom; United States of America; Venezuela
People Brinegar, Claude S; Callaghan, James; Casey, William J; Cooper, Charles; Dent, Frederick B; Eberle, William; Flanigan, Peter; Howe, Geoffrey; Kissinger, Henry; Kosygin, Alexey; Ramsbotham, Sir Peter; Rush, Kenneth; Sharp, Mitchell; Shore, Peter
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Arms; Balance of Payments; British Embassy; Coal; Committee of Twenty; Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); Common Market; Concorde; Congress; Conservation; Council on International Economic Policy; Dairy products; Defence; Democratic Party; Demonstrations; Department of Commerce; Department of State; Department of Transportation; Detente; Draft; Economic policy; Economy; Elections; Energy; Environment; Exports; foreign policy; Free trade; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; Health; Impeachment; Inflation; International Economic Affairs; International Economic Policy; International Economic Relations; International Monetary Fund; International Monetary Situation; Japanese; Labour Party; Levies; Mid-Term elections; Nuclear Weapons; Office of Management and Budget; Oil; organisation; Payments; Pentagon; Pollution; Price controls; Protectionism; Protectionist; Shipping; Socialism; Special Representative of Trade Negotiations; State Department; State of the Union Message; Strikes; Tariffs; Taxation; Taxes; Terrorism; The Nine; Trade; Trade Bill; Trade policy; Trade Reform Bill; Trade unions; Treasury; Unemployment; United Nations; United Nations National Security Council; Vice President; Wages; Watergate; Welfare; White House; withdrawal
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